
Showing posts from March, 2022
 A bout Greek music I recently promised a couple of friends to put together some information about what I consider to be a good representation of Greek musical expressions of the 20th century. This is no expert  treatise , just some incomplete reflections on my personal musical preferences. So here it goes: Greek music has been so strongly tied to the social and political movements of the 20th century, that I couldn't explain it without making reference to them and their dynamics and impacts.  In the beginning of the 20th century, Greek music was copying the songs and trends of popular music in France and Germany. It included silly tunes talking about silly love, wealth and prosperity, and in general the good bourgeois life that was the dream of the Europeans already expecting wars. It had no character of its own, to the point that many of the songs of that time were outright translations of European - and even Mexican - songs. Then the First War happened, and at its end the Greeks